is a customizable, complete, data at rest encryption extension for PostgreSQL.
Let’s break down what it means.
Customizable means that pg_tde
aims to support many different use cases:
- Encrypting either every table in every database or only some tables in some databases
- Encryption keys can be stored on various external key storage servers including Hashicorp Vault, KMIP servers.
- Using one key for everything or different keys for different databases
- Storing every key at the same key storage, or using different storages for different databases
- Handling permissions: who can manage database specific or global permissions, who can create encrypted or not encrypted tables
Complete means that pg_tde
aims to encrypt data at rest.
Data at rest means everything written to the disk. This includes the following:
- Table data files
- Indexes
- Temporary tables
- Write Ahead Log (WAL)
- System tables (not yet implemented)
- Temporary files (not yet implemented)
Extension means that pg_tde
should be implemented only as an extension, possibly compatible with any PostgreSQL distribution, including the open source community version. This requires changes in the PostgreSQL core to make it more extensible. Therefore, pg_tde
currently works only with the Percona Server for PostgreSQL - a binary replacement of community PostgreSQL and included in Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL.
Main components¶
The main components of pg_tde
are the following:
Core server changes focus on making the server more extensible, allowing the main logic of
to remain separate, as an extension. Core changes also add encryption-awareness to some command line tools that have to work directly with encrypted tables or encrypted WAL files. -
extension itself implements the encryption code by hooking into the extension points introduced in the core changes, and the already existing extension points in the PostgreSQL server.Everything is controllable with GUC variables and SQL statements, similar to other extensions.
The keyring API / libraries implement the key storage logic with different key providers. The API is internal only, the keyring libraries are part of the main library for simplicity. In the future these could be extracted into separate shared libraries with an open API, allowing the use of third-party providers.
Encryption architecture¶
Two-key hierarchy¶
uses two keys for encryption:
- Internal keys to encrypt the data. They are stored internally near the data that they encrypt.
- Higher-level keys to encrypt internal keys. These keys are called “principal keys”. They are stored externally, in the Key Management System (KMS) using the key provider API.
uses one principal key per database. Every internal key for the given database is encrypted using this principal key.
Internal keys are used for specific database files: each file with a different Object Identifier (OID) and has a different internal key.
This means that, for example, a table with 4 indexes will have at least 5 internal keys - one for the table, and one for each index.
If a table has additional files, such as sequence(s) or a TOAST table, those files will also have separate keys.
Encryption algorithm¶
currently uses the following encryption algorithms:
algorithm for encrypting most database files.Here’s how it works:
First the internal keys for data files are encrypted using the principal key with the
algorithm. Then the data file itself is again encrypted usingAES-CBC-128
with the internal key. -
algorithm for WAL encryption.The workflow is similar: WAL pages are first encrypted with the internal key. Then the internal key is encrypted with the global principal key.
The support for other cipher lengths / algorithms is planned in the future.
Encryption workflow¶
makes it possible to encrypt everything or only some tables in some databases.
To support this without metadata changes, encrypted tables are labeled with a tde_heap
access method marker.
The tde_heap
access method is the same as the heap
one. It uses the same functions internally without any changes, but with the different name and ID. In such a way pg_tde
knows that tde_heap
tables are encrypted and heap
tables are not.
The initial decision what to encrypt is made using the postgres
event trigger mechanism: if a CREATE TABLE
statement uses the tde_heap
clause, the newly created data files are marked as encrypted. Then file operations encrypt or decrypt the data.
Later decisions are made using a slightly modified Storage Manager (SMGR) API:
when a database file is re-created with a different ID as a result of a TRUNCATE
command, the newly created file inherits the encryption information and is either encrypted or not.
WAL encryption¶
WAL encryption is controlled globally via a global GUC variable that requires a server restart.
The variable only controls writes so that only WAL writes are encrypted when WAL encryption is enabled. This means that WAL files can contain both encrypted and unencrpyted data, depending on what the status of this variable was when writing the data.
keeps track of the encryption status of WAL records using internal keys. Every time the encryption status of WAL changes, it writes a new internal key for WAL. When the encryption is enabled, this internal key contains a valid encryption key. When the encrpytion is disabled, it only contains a flag signaling that WAL encryption ended.
With this information, the WAL reader code can decide if a specific WAL record has to be decrypted or not.
Encrypting other access methods¶
Currently pg_tde
only encrypts heap
tables and other files such as indexes, TOAST tables, sequences that are related to the heap
Indexes include any kind of index that goes through the SMGR API, not just the built-in indexes in PostgreSQL.
In theory, it is also possible to encrypt any other table access method that goes through the SMGR API by similarly providing a marker access method to it and extending the event triggers.
Storage Manager (SMGR) API¶
relies on a slightly modified version of the SMGR API.
These modifications include:
- Making the API generally extensible, where extensions can inject custom code into the storage manager
- Adding tracking information for files. When a new file is created for an existing relation, references to the existing file are also passed to the SMGR functions
With these modifications, the pg_tde
extension can implement an additional layer on top of the normal Magnetic Disk SMGR API: if the related table is encrypted, pg_tde
encrypts a file before writing it to the disk and, similarly, decrypts it after reading when needed.
Key and key providers management¶
Principal key rotation¶
You can rotate principal keys to comply with common policies and to handle situations with potentially exposed principal keys.
Rotation means that pg_tde
generates a new version of the principal key, and re-encrypts the associated internal keys with the new key. The old key is kept as is at the same location, because it may still be needed to decrypt backups or other databases.
Internal key regeneration¶
Internal keys for tables, indexes and other data files are fixed once a file is created. There’s no way to re-encrypt a file.
WAL internal keys are also fixed to the respective ranges. And there is no easy way to generate a new internal WAL key without turning off and on WAL encryption.
There are workarounds for this, because operations that move the table data to a new file, such as VACUUM FULL
that rewrites the file will create a new key for the new file, essentially rotating the internal key.
This however means taking an exclusive lock on the table for the duration of the operation, which might not be desirable for huge tables.
WAL internal key are also fixed to the respective ranges. And there is no easy way to generate a new WAL key without turning off and on WAL encryption.
Internal key storage¶
Internal keys and pg_tde
metadata in general are kept in a single $PGDATA/pg_tde
directory. This directory stores separate files for each database, such as:
- Encrypted internal keys and internal key mapping to tables
- Information about the key providers
Also, the $PGDATA/pg_tde
directory has a special global section marked with the OID 607
, which includes the global key providers and global internal keys.
The global section is used for WAL encryption. Specific databases can use the global section too, for scenarios where users configure individual principal keys for databases but use the same global key provider. For this purpose, you must enable the global provider inheritance.
Key providers (principal key storage)¶
Principal keys are stored externally in Key Management Stores (KMS). In pg_tde
a KMS is defined as an external key provider.
The following key providers are supported:
- HashiCorp Vault KV2 secrets engine
- OpenBao implementation of Vault
- KMIP compatible servers
- A local file storage. This storage is intended only for development and testing and is not recommended for production use.
For each key provider, pg_tde
requires a detailed configuration, including the address of the service and the authentication information.
With these details, pg_tde
does the following based on user operations:
- Communicates with the service and uploads a new principal key to it after this key is created
- Retrieves the principal key from the service when it is required for decryption
Key provider management¶
Key provider configuration or location may change. For example, a service is moved to a new address or the principal key must be moved to a different key provider type. pg_tde
supports both these scenarios enabling you to manage principal keys using simple SQL functions.
In certain cases you can’t use SQL functions to manage key providers. For example, if the key provider changed while the server wasn’t running and is therefore unaware of these changes. The startup can fail if it needs to access the encryption keys.
For such situations, pg_tde
also provides command line tools to recover the database.
Sensitive key provider information¶
Key provider information authentication details is a sensitive information. It is not safe to store it together with the database in the $PGDATA
directory, or even on the same server.
To safeguard key providers’ sensitive information, pg_tde
supports references to external services. Instead of specifying authentication details directly, users specify the reference to the external service where it is stored. pg_tde
then downloads the provider’s authentication details when needed.
The supported external services are HTTP and external file references. Upon request, other services such as Kubernetes secrets can be added.
User interface¶
Setting up pg_tde¶
To use pg_tde
, users are required to:
- Add pg_tde to the
, as this is required for the SMGR extensions - Execute
in the databases where they want to use encryption - Optionally, enable
- Optionally, disable
(enabled by default)
Adding providers¶
Keyring providers can be added to either the GLOBAL or to the database specific scope.
If pg_tde.inherit_global_providers
is ON
, global providers are visible for all databases, and can be used.
If pg_tde.inherit_global_providers
is OFF
, global providers are only used for WAL encryption.
To add a global provider:
pg_tde_add_global_key_provider_<TYPE>(‘provider_name', ... details ...)
To add a database specific provider:
pg_tde_add_key_provider_<TYPE>(‘provider_name', ... details ...)
Note that in these functions do not verify the parameters.
For that, see pg_tde_verify_principal_key
Changing providers¶
To change a value of a global provider:
pg_tde_modify_global_key_provider_<TYPE>(‘provider_name', ... details ...)
To change a value of a database specific provider:
pg_tde_modify_key_provider_<TYPE>(‘provider_name', ... details ...)
These functions also allow changing the type of a provider.
The functions however do not migrate any data. They are expected to be used during infrastructure migration, for example when the address of a server changes.
Note that in these functions do not verify the parameters.
For that, see pg_tde_verify_principal_key
Changing providers from the command line¶
To change a provider from a command line, pg_tde
provides the pg_tde_modify_key_provider
command line tool.
This tool work similarly to the above functions, with the following syntax:
pg_tde_modify_key_provider <dbOid> <providerType> ... details ...
Note that since this tool is expected to be offline, it bypasses all permission checks!
This is also the reason why it requires a dbOid
instead of a name, as it has no way to process the catalog and look up names.
Deleting providers¶
Providers can be deleted by the
For database specific providers, the function first checks if the provider is used or not, and the provider is only deleted if it’s not used.
For global providers, the function checks if the provider is used anywhere, WAL or any specific database, and returns an error if it is.
This somewhat goes against the principle that pg_tde
shouldn’t interact with other databases than the one the user is connected to, but on the other hand, it only does this lookup in the internal pg_tde
metadata, not in postgres catalogs, so it is a gray zone.
Making this check makes more sense than potentially making some databases inaccessible.
Listing/querying providers¶
provides 2 functions to show providers:
These functions only return a list of provider names, without any details about the type/configuration.
There’s also two function to query the details of providers:
These functions display the provider type and configuration details, but won’t show the sensitive parameters, such as passwords or authentication keys.
Provider permissions¶
implements access control based on execution rights on the administration functions.
For provider administration, it provides two pair of functions:
There’s one special behavior:
When pg_tde.inherit_global_providers
is ON, users with database local permissions can list global providers, but can’t use the show function to query configuration details.
When pg_tde.inherit_global_providers
is OFF, they can’t execute the function at all, it will return an error.
Creating and rotating keys¶
Principal keys can be created or rotated using the following functions:
pg_tde_set_principal_key(‘key-name', ‘provider-name', ensure_new_key)
pg_tde_set_global_principal_key(‘key-name', ‘provider-name', ensure_new_key)
pg_tde_set_server_principal_key(‘key-name', ‘provider-name', ensure_new_key)
is a boolean parameter defaulting to false.
If it is true, the function might return an error instead of setting the key, if it already exists on the provider.
Default principal key¶
With pg_tde.inherit_global_key_providers
, it is also possible to set up a default global principal key, which will be used by any database which has the pg_tde
extension enabled, but doesn’t have a database specific principal key configured using pg_tde_set_(global_)principal_key
With this feature, it is possible for the entire database server to easily use the same principal key for all databases, completely disabling multi-tenency.
A default key can be managed with the following functions:
pg_tde_set_default_principal_key(‘key-name', ‘provider-name', ensure_new_key)
pg_tde_drop_default_principal_key() -- not yet implemented
is only possible if there’s no table currently using the default principal key.
Changing the default principal key will rotate the encryption of internal keys for all databases using the current default principal key.
Removing key (not yet implemented)¶
removes the principal key for the current database.
If the current database has any encrypted tables, and there isn’t a default principal key configured, it reports an error instead.
If there are encrypted tables, but there’s also a global default principal key, internal keys will be encrypted with the default key.
It isn’t possible to remove the WAL (server) principal key.
Current key details¶
returns the name of the current principal key, and the provider it uses.
does the same for the server key.
checks that the key provider is accessible, that the current principal key can be downloaded from it, and that it is the same as the current key stored in memory - if any of these fail, it reports an appropriate error.
Listing all active keys (not yet implemented)¶
SUPERusers are able to use the following function:
Which reports all the actively used keys by all databases on the current server.
Similarly to pg_tde_show_current_principal_key
, it only shows names and associated providers, it doesn’t reveal any sensitive information about the providers.
Key permissions¶
Users with management permissions to a specific database (pg_tde_(grant/revoke)_provider_management_to_role)
can change the keys for the database, and use the current key functions. This includes creating keys using global providers, if pg_tde.inherit_global_providers
is enabled.
Also, the pg_tde_(grant/revoke)_key_management_to_role
function deals with only the specific permission for the above function:
it allows a user to change the key for the database, but not to modify the provider configuration.
Creating encrypted tables¶
To create an encrypted table or modify an existing table to be encrypted, simply use USING tde_heap
in the CREATE
Changing the pg_tde.inherit_global_keys setting¶
It is possible for users to use pg_tde with inherit_global_keys=ON
, refer to global keys / keyrings in databases, and then change this setting to OFF.
In this case, existing references to global providers, or the global default principal key will remain working as before, but new references to the global scope can’t be made.
Using command line tools with encrypted WAL¶
Typical setup scenarios¶
Simple “one principal key” encryption¶
- Installing the extension:
- Adding a global key provider
- Adding a default principal key using the same global provider
- Changing the WAL encryption to use the default principal key
- Optionally: setting the
so that tables are encrypted by default
Database users don’t need permissions to any of the encryption functions: encryption is managed by the admins, normal users only have to create tables with encryption, which requires no specific permissions.
One key storage, but different keys per database¶
- Installing the extension:
- Adding a global key provider
- Changing the WAL encryption to use the proper global key provider
- Giving users that are expected to manage database keys permissions for database specific key management, but not database specific key provider management: specific databases HAVE to use the global key provider
Note: setting the default_table_access_method
to tde_heap
is possible, but instead of ALTER SYSTEM
only per database using ALTER DATABASE
, after a principal key is configured for that specific database.
Alternatively, ALTER SYSTEM
is possible, but table creation in the database will fail if there’s no principal key for the database, that has to be created first.
Complete multi tenancy¶
- Installing the extension:
(that’s not multi tenant currently) CREATE EXTENSION pg_tde;
in any database- Adding a global key provider for WAL
- Changing the WAL encryption to use the proper global key provider
No default configuration: key providers / principal keys are configured as a per database level, permissions are managed per database
Same note about default_table_access_method
as above - but in a multi tenant setup, ALTER SYSTEM
doesn’t make much sense.